Saturday 2 November 2013

SDLC Models_Prototype Model

1)      Prototype Model
In this model, after the requirement analysis the
development team will develop the Quick Design. As per the
quick design a prototype (dummy application) is developed
and presents in front of the client for evaluation.
After presentation collects the

client satisfies               à Immediately actual coding of the application will be started by  the development        team

      client satisfies (Not)   à Refines the requirement develops the prototype and evaluation work until  the client satisfies with the design.

      Once the client satisfies with the quick design actual coding is started, after that Testing team validates the application before releasing the project.

When to choose: when client is not sure about requirements, No Clear Requirements
Advantage: Before the coding phase company will get complete requirements about the client’s business
§  Developing prototypes is an additional activity to the development team.

§  Prototypes are not reusable.

§  More cost
Interview Questions_025: When should we opt for Prototype model
Interview Questions_026: What do you mean by prototype?
Interview Questions_027: Suppose I have clear requirements. Shall I go for Prototype model?
Interview Questions_028: When we have short span is it good to for prototype model to deliver the quality product??
Interview Questions_029: Can we build the application with 100% quality???

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