Saturday 25 January 2014

Some Useful Templates_TEST CASE TEMPLATE

Here I followed the general standards in the preparation of templates

Test Case: The step by step procedure to validate the functionality of the application, for every user and the subsequent response from the system. Every Organization will maintains their own template. 

Sample Test case Template:

Components of test case template:

Project Name: Name of the project.

Module Name: Name of the module in the particular project.

Created By:  Name of the test engineer who created the test cases.

Created On: The date on which the test cases are prepared.

Reviewed By: Names of the persons who were responsible to conduct the reviews on Test cases.

Reviewed On:  On the date review was conducted.

Referred Documents:  Inputs to derive the test cases.

Test Case_ID/Name:  The name of the test case which should be unique.
Syntax:  TC001_Project Name_Module Name_Functionality.

Test Case Description: It describes the purpose or objective of the test case.

Step Name: It describes the no. of steps in a test case.
Example: Step1. Step2, Step3…etc

Step Description: It describes the user operation to be performed on AUT (Application Under Test) during test cases execution.

Test Data: It describes the data which we give to the application during test cases execution.

Priority: It describes the importance of the test case for execution. It was derived based on the importance or usability of the functionality with respect to client business needs. Based on the importance priority status can be mentioned as High, medium, low.

Expected Result: It describes the expected behavior of the application with respect to user operations.

Actual Result: It describes the actual behavior of the application after execution of the test case.

Status: It describes the status if the test case after execution. The statuses used to mention in status column is
Passed:  When both actual result and expected result are same.
Failed: When the actual result and expected result are not same.

QC Path: It describes the name of the folder in “Test Plan” Component of Quality Center (QC) to export these written test cases. 

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